
Essential information

Best time to go icon.

What's the best time to visit Hamilton and the Waikato?

There are things to do in Hamilton and the Waikato at every time of the year, and many of the activities are not weather-dependent – like exploring the Waitomo Caves, discovering the city's best restaurants and cruising on the Waikato River. If you love to surf or body surf, bring a wetsuit if you're visiting during the cooler months.

How much will it cost icon.

How much will it cost?

Not including air travel and hotels, you should allow about NZD $100 to $150 a day per person for food and entertainment on a Hamilton and Waikato region holiday.

Visas icon.

Do I need a visa to visit Hamilton?

You might need a visa to holiday in New Zealand, depending on where you're from and how long you're staying. See the visa-waiver list.