flexichange fares

Booking changes

Permitted prior to departure. 

Booking change fee

No fee.

Additional fare difference for booking changes

Prior to day of departure: any applicable fare difference payable.

On day of departure: no fare difference payable if changing to an earlier or later flight on day of travel (same origin and destination); subject to availability. Any applicable fare difference payable if changing to a flight on a different day or a different route (origin and destination).

Service fees for making changes

Payable (unless changing online).

Booking cancellations

No refund.

(Non-refundability/cancellation penalty) waived in case of death of passenger or immediate family member.

Note: Full refund of unused tickets in the event of death of the passenger or his/her immediate family member or any person booked to accompany the passenger or the immediate family of any person booked to accompany the passenger. NB immediate family defined by IATA Resolution 012 which states "Immediate Family": spouse, children (including adopted children), parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law.

No shows

Changes to a later flight, (same route and date) can be made after a no-show. Date or route changes are not permitted. Unused tickets will remain non-refundable.

Name changes

Not permitted.

Airpoints™ & Status Points

Eligible for Airpoints™ unless booked in N or F class or purchased with Airpoints Dollars.
Eligible for Status Points unless booked with Airpoints Dollars.

Checked bag

Includes 1 checked bag 23kg

Fare rules

flexichange fares.